
  • holotoken
  • Holo
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  • Market Cap
    $283.12 M

Given how early we are in the advent of decentralized applications (DApps), Holo might be an excellent long-term investment for investors. So, if you are interested in DApps, keep reading.

What is Holo (HOT)?

Holo is a peer-to-peer distributed network for hosting decentralized apps produced using Holochain, a DApp development framework that does not rely on blockchain technology. Holo’s purpose is to link the rest of the internet and Holochain-based apps, providing an ecosystem and marketplace where DApps may be readily accessed since they are hosted on the internet by Holo network partners.

Holo: Roots and History

According to the coinmarketcap website, Arthur Brock and Eric Harris-Braun, both seasoned contract developers, co-founded Holo. They began working on the initiative in December 2016 as part of the MetaCurrency Project, a developer of tools and technologies aimed at powering a future peer-to-peer economy. Holo was inspired by Ceptr, a cooperative P2P framework for DApps on which Brock and Harris-Barun had previously collaborated.

Brock founded Geek Gene, a firm that created community-building technologies, including more than 100 alternative currency solutions, and has past expertise in creating alternative currency systems. He also co-founded Emerging Leader Labs, a social company incubator, and Agile Learning Centers, an open-source education “starter kit.” Brock was awarded a fellow of the Edmond Hillary Fellowship in New Zealand in March 2019.

How Does Holo Work?

The project’s business model focuses on creating a peer-to-peer ecosystem of hosts and apps, equating its anticipated influence on app hosting to Uber’s and Airbnb’s respective effects on the taxi and hotel sectors. Holo makes money by charging a fee for HoloFuel transactions, so its business model is based on increasing the number of apps and hosts on the network.

The Holo network connects the centralized internet to the Holochain, which does not use standard blockchain technology. As a result, it does not rely on worldwide agreement to keep its networks safe. Instead, each DApp has its own set of validation criteria and a local hash chain where cryptographically signed data may be stored. Random peers operate as validators when data is transferred across many nodes, receiving data and checking that it satisfies the proper rules. Validators employ a gossip protocol to disseminate good data, warn of inaccurate data, as well as blacklisting malicious actors.

As its development team claims, Holo is meant to be as decentralized as possible to limit the hazards involved with allowing any single group too much control. Holo employs a globally dispersed network of servers to encrypt the communication between hosts and apps.

Why Choose Holo?

Holochain is an open-source framework for building safe, dependable, and fast peer-to-peer applications. Holochain apps link user devices directly to one other in secure networks rather than relying on servers. This combines the autonomy and availability of locally installed software with the power and redundancy of cloud software, giving consumers the best of both worlds. As a result, application developers no longer need to maintain and pay for cloud hosting.

Holo has some unique features that make it stand out from other cryptocurrencies. Continue reading to find out why you should invest in Holo.

According to the Holochain website, Holochain provides an agent-centric approach to computing, putting you at the heart of the process. This isn’t simply a nice-sounding ideology; it’s how it’s constructed. On your smartphone, applications run, establishing self-owned identities and data. Open programming interfaces guarantee that you have access at all times. However, consent-based permission management safeguards you against unwanted usage.

The importance of applications is highlighted when they connect you with others. Each Holochain application develops its own encrypted peer-to-peer network between you and the other users. Nothing can co-opt, control, or shut down your communications as a result of this.

Finally, shared accountability ensures online safety. Every piece of data has a cryptographic audit trail that links it to its creator. Every user contributes to the enforcement of standard application rules and the identification of bad actors. Meanwhile, Holochain’s ‘subconscious’ reacts to threats and adjusts to network disruptions, ensuring a safe and dependable experience.

If you are ready to invest in Holo, click here to start trading on Bitunivex right away.



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