
  • divi
  • Divi
  • Price
  • Market Cap
    $5.56 M

The revolution of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies introduces a new era for the economy and the financial system. As the heart of global economics and the market, the economic systems have welcomed the new way of investing and growing capital. The blockchain systems introduce novel cryptocurrencies into the market and take significant steps to the modernized financial ecosystem. Now, here Divi comes into the picture.

What is Divi (DIVI)?

Divi describes itself as a novel solution to solve the biggest and most lucrative problems in the crypto world. Divi is a cryptocurrency financial blockchain platform designed to accelerate the adoption of digital currencies. Divi users can access a set of financial tools to execute cryptocurrency transactions. The Divi platform allows users to store, track and, manage digital assets. In addition, Divi is a user-friendly platform for it does not limit blockchain security.

The Divi project runs on an autonomous organizational structure as a completely decentralized network. The entire community is responsible for governing the system, so it is irrelevant to ownership. The process is possible through a PoS (Proof of Stake) consensus algorithm that serves the users as a medium to exchange value or access goods and services offered by the Divi Project. Moreover, as a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network, Divi relies on masternodes to secure the network. The Divi native token is (DIVI). The (DIVI) Token users can stake it on the network in exchange for inflation rewards or use it as the in-network currency.

Divi’s vision is to provide crypto users with usability and accessibility. Hence, Divi users can set up a bank account, debit card, and other financial tools for day-to-day payment feasibility through incorporating fiat and other cryptocurrencies. Divi blockchain ecosystem objectives include:

  • To provide easily accessible self-sustained, fully decentralized payment solution,
  • To provide a variety of products for bringing cryptocurrencies to the hands of the public,
  • To attract more engagement into the cryptocurrency market,
  • To offer better social and economic incentives and allow users to control their assets with low transaction fees,
  • To improve scalability, simplicity, cost-effectivity, and speed solutions,
  • To participate in validating the transactions and earn rewards.

Divi (DIVI): roots and history

DIVI developers initially launched it on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 token utilizing an ERC20 token called DIVX. However, in September 2018, the platform moved to a native blockchain. Then, the project swapped the DIVI Token for the DIVX while introducing it online for the first time. This process saw 1 ERC-20 DIVI exchanged for 100 native DIVI tokens. Originally, Divi’s proof-of-stake (POS) blockchain released 617,160,700 coins in circulation. However, miners can mine DIVI; thus, they will experience increment each year.

Geoff McCabe, Michael Greenwood, and Nick Saponaro are the Divi founding team. Geoff McCabe is Divi’s CEO, with Nick Saponaro as the CIO.

How Does Divi (DIVI)Work?

The Divi Project enjoys distinguishable features, including an in-one Click Masternode System, Advanced Decentralized Governance system, and User-friendly Smart Wallets.

Masternodes are active full nodes on a blockchain network executing private processes and instant transactions while running and governing a blockchain protocol. The Divi project contains a five-layer masternode system. The Divi participants choose to pay the masternodes and commit to supporting the Divi network.

The advanced governance system includes three stages. The first stage allows the coin holders to modify certain parts of blockchain and vote on various settings like Fee Amounts, Inflation Rate, Blockchain metrics, and ON/OFF features. In the second stage, the coin holders can type up spending proposals and bring them to a vote. And in the third stage, The Divi Project forges a new path for more extensive mass adoption through the DAO governance.

The Divi ecosystem Ux-focused Smart Wallet socializes and humanizes financial experiences. It eliminates most user errors, making it suitable for even inexperienced crypto users. The Divi holders can use the Smart Wallet with saving features to complement the multi-layered masternode system on the blockchain. The wallet attaches profile information, names, metadata to each transaction on the blockchain. Divi smart wallet delivers the following characteristics: fiat reporting, user-friendly cryptos, fiat onramp/offramp immediately swappable, and news and updates.

Why Choose Divi (DIVI)?

Divi incorporates unique features, including blockchain implementation and Smart Wallet, making cryptocurrency transactions faster, cheaper, and manageable. The Divi custom one-click masternode installer (MOCCI) allows users to set up a masternode to secure the Divi ecosystem, participate in the transaction validation process, and earn rewards simply by staking their Divi. Divi offers five levels of participation depending on the amount of Divi tokens held by the user.

Moreover, Divi allocates part of each block reward to a lottery process. One lucky staker will win the entire pot each week.

The Divi primary function is a currency; however, holders can use Divi tokens in multiple ways; including:

  • To spend the Divi tokens on online stores accept Divi to buy real-world goods and services;
  • To get profitable earnings per week through tokens staked in the Divi wallet;
  • To generate more coins by maintaining, updating, and securing the Divi blockchain using the master node software utility and resources;
  • To buy custom names to be used as wallet addresses.


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